Getting ‘Wild’ at the First Rally
BOHS cheer performs their opening routine at the fall rally on Aug. 19 in the Main Gym. This fall rally was the first one indoors in three years, and it consisted of sports team showcases, homecoming announcements, and collaborative class-oriented games.
In floods of red, white, yellow, and blue, Wildcats entered the main gym wearing their class colors for the first indoor rally in three years on Aug.19.
The fall rally theme being “A Day at the Circus,” the venue was garnished with class posters of circus animals.
To excite the crowd and build school spirit, “Hype Time” and the “Let’s Get Wild” chant was led by seniors Philip McWade, Student Welfare Commissioner, and Maren Handel, ASB Treasurer. “To be the one that was getting everyone hyped for the rally and egging the classes on to try to outdo each other [was] surreal to see from center stage,” Handel said.
To kick off the rally, Masquerade sang the National Anthem and cheer performed a routine for the opening rally. “It was so exciting to be allowed to perform indoors again [and] see the positive effect it had on everyone at the rally,” Briana Edmonds, Varsity Cheer captain, said. Due to COVID restrictions, past rallies were held at the Wildcat Stadium.
For freshmen, this was an opportunity to learn about school life, sports teams, and Performing Art groups. “My first rally was a cool introduction to school extracurriculars, [and] I liked seeing the other sports and performances,” Sofia Rodriguez said.
Pertaining to the circus theme, the rally began game time by hiding bags of circus animal cookies that were hidden among the bleachers.
After the scavenger hunt, representatives from each grade joined the floor to compete in a “Rings of Fire” hula hoop game. Each grade held hands to get the hula hoop through all the students in their group.
Sean Cronin, junior, participated in the hula hoop challenge. “I really liked the rally game because participating in it was really fun, and it was awesome when the juniors won,” Cronin said.
The juniors won the game by being the first team to get the hula hoop across their line of students, now in the lead for class points. Juniors are in the lead with 30 points, sophomores have 20 points, freshmen have 10 points, and seniors have 0 points.
The assembly continued with a promotion video for the Homecoming Rally, which is on Sep. 23 where Homecoming Court nominees will battle for the throne with their choreographed skits and dances.
As per tradition of fall rallies, varsity sports teams ran through their sport banners and introduced the seniors and team captains. For Karis Choi, senior and Girls Varsity Golf captain, she was “proud just seeing [her] varsity team up there.” Choi joined the golf team her freshman year and hopes to “end high school with an amazing season,” she said.
Dance Production performed a dance titled “Welcome back rally” to a remix of the songs “Circus” and “Radar” by Britney Spears and “Bo$$” by Fifth Harmony.
Kristin Kim, junior and Dance Production member, felt that performing in the main gym was “super exciting [because of] the overall energy of the team,” she said. Kim has “high hopes” for the upcoming Homecoming rally because Dance Production will perform with varsity football players, and “it’ll be really fun because of the Willy Wonks theme,” she said.

Ellen Kim, senior, has been a member of the newspaper staff since her freshman year and is excited to lead the staff as Editor-in-Chief. Alongside her...

Claire Seo is a senior and this is her fourth year taking photos for the Wildcat newspaper. She is a huge movie buff and loves spending time with her friends,...