Club Rush Showcases Record Number of 102 Clubs
Korean Culture Club (KCC) hands out Korean snacks, and board members wear Korean traditional clothing, hanbok, to raise awareness of Korean culture. At this year’s annual Club Rush, a total of 102 clubs were showcased at tables all over the Academic Quad from Sept. 13 to Sept. 16.
As soon as the lunch bell rang, BOHS club officers took over the Academic Quad and decorated the area with colorful tables and posters to kick off Club Rush from Sept. 13 to Sept. 16.
Club Rush is an annual event held during lunch to help school clubs promote their activities and gain new members for the new school year. Students decorated their club’s tables with bright tri-folds, awards, colorful banners, flyers, and candy to attract people to join their club. During this year’s Club Rush, a record number of 102 clubs were showcased.
All clubs were sectioned into four categories: academic and academic competition, hobbies, language/culture/identity, and service. Each category had its own day during the four-day Club Rush week to accommodate to the large number of clubs. Academic and academic competition clubs showcased their club’s activities on Sept. 13, hobby clubs were featured on Sept. 14, language/culture/identity clubs set up on Sept. 15, and service clubs were on Sept. 16.
“I think Club Rush went pretty well this year,” Rikhi Joseph, Clubs Commissioner, said, “I tried to make it less crowded and I think that went well. I know a lot of clubs got several sign ups which is exciting. It went really smoothly with only a few bumps in the road.”
In order to prepare for Club Rush, meetings were held in Room 102 where presidents and club board members took the steps to renew their club or start a new club. All clubs had to submit club constitutions and fill out an application to host a club for the 2022-23 school year.
Aubrey Fessler, junior, is a board member for three clubs this year: National Honors Society of Sports Medicine (NHSSM), Health Occupations Students of America (HOSA), and Everyday Responder Project (ERP). She had taken part in two out of the four Club Rush days to encourage students to join her clubs, and she “liked seeing all the students interested in challenging themselves by joining academic competition teams, as well those who were giving enough to sign up to learn how to help people in need by joining ERP,” she said.
Clubs are another way for students to get more involved on campus and pursue their passions on top of school classes. With a variety of clubs available at BOHS, students can join several to take on leadership roles and squeeze in time between classes to explore interests and even serve their community.
Lauren Ahn, junior, is president of Korean Culture Club (KCC), a club dedicated to spreading awareness of Korean culture around BOHS and the city of Brea. To promote KCC, the board members decorated their table with photo props and snacks. She said, “Club rush went really well for us. We had more turn out than expected, and we are so excited for our first meeting this week.”
Several clubs had sign up sheets taped to their tables to get the contact information of interested students. Following Club Rush, board members contacted those students to set up methods of communication and share announcements for their first meetings.
Joseph said, “Overall, I was really glad to see something I was able to organize come together so well and watch the traction the clubs gained from Club Rush.”

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