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est. 1930

The Wildcat

est. 1930

The Wildcat

est. 1930

The Wildcat

The Newsroom

The Wildcat is one of the oldest continuously published scholastic publications in Orange County, with the first volume, a four-page broadsheet, debuting in 1930. In the ensuing nine decades, the Wildcat has evolved from a black and white broadsheet (1930-2006), to a partial-color tabloid (2007-2014), to a full-color glossy magazine (2014-2020), to its current form,

The publication is maintained and produced by the student-journalists in Brea Olinda High School’s fourth period Journalism: News Media and Advanced Journalism: The Wildcat classes. Staff members, usually numbering between 15 and 25 and ranging from ninth to twelfth grade, work under the supervision of a credentialed faculty member. The content of the Wildcat reflects only the views of the Wildcat staff, and not BOHS or BOUSD administration and staff, and the Wildcat does not involve administrators in prior review.

The Wildcat is a member of the National Scholastic Press Association (NSPA), the Columbia Scholastic Press Association (CSPA), the Southern California Journalism Education Association (SCJEA), and the Orange County Journalism Education Association (OCJEA).

Mission Statement

The Wildcat strives to inform, educate, entertain, and empower its readers at Brea Olinda High School, the larger Brea community, and beyond, by providing accurate, relevant, and timely news while upholding the principles of free speech and a free press. BOHS and BOUSD administrators support the First Amendment rights of its student journalists. We strive to be a forum for diverse voices, ideas, and opinions, and to hold those in power accountable.



Alex Koers, a 1996 graduate of Whittier College, served as adviser of the Wildcat from 2004 to 2022, and 2023 to the present, and has been teaching high school English since 1998. He may be reached at [email protected].