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est. 1930

The Wildcat

est. 1930

The Wildcat

est. 1930

The Wildcat

Charlize Chiang, Photo Editor

Charlize Chiang, senior, is a Photo Manager and Illustrator for the Wildcat and returns for her third year on staff. She competes for varsity tennis, and outside of school, she is a volunteer at an animal rescue shelter, as well as an online tutor. She looks forward to working with the Wildcat staff members to create new content for the Wildcat this year.

All content by Charlize Chiang
A Tidal Wave of Testing

A Tidal Wave of Testing

Charlize Chiang, Photo Editor
May 24, 2021
To ensure a return to pre-pandemic normalcy, Melissa Perez, Opinion Co-Editor, argues that everyone who is eligible to receive a vaccine against COVID-19 should get one.

[Photo] A Shot of Hope

Melissa Perez, Opinion Co-Editor
April 16, 2021
As a result of technological distractions and a lack of motivation, many students struggle to prioritize tasks and get them done. Procrastination researchers, Dr. Piers Steel and Dr. Tim Pychyl, share their takes on what students can do to complete work more efficiently.

[Photo] Cure Your Procrastination

Ellen Kim, Editor-in-Chief
January 20, 2021
With COVID-19 still a threat to the community, trick-or-treating this Oct. 31 should be canceled.

[Photo] Stay Home for Halloween!

Vanessa Jo, Staff Writer
October 26, 2020

[Photo] Five Months, or Four Years?

Natalie DiCesaris, Opinion Co-Editor
September 14, 2020
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