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The Wildcat

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The Wildcat

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The Wildcat

Ellen Kim

Ellen Kim, Editor-in-Chief

Ellen Kim, senior, has been a member of the newspaper staff since her freshman year and is excited to lead the staff as Editor-in-Chief. Alongside her leadership in the Wildcat, Ellen is involved in ASB as Senior Class President and can be spotted in many clubs and organizations across campus including HOSA, Mubotics, Orchestra, and FTOC. Outside of school, Ellen can be found learning the ukulele, listening to her favorite pop tunes, or playing a competitive round of Uno. Ellen has published over 35 pieces for the Wildcat and is thrilled to create lots more during her final year at BOHS.

All content by Ellen Kim
Oh, the Places They'll Go!

Oh, the Places They’ll Go!

Ellen Kim, Editor-in-Chief
May 31, 2024
Mr. Brea Winner Alexander Chao and "Most Wild" winner Beakman Chen celebrate at the conclusion of the annual Mr. Brea completion on Feb. 3. The longtime BOHS tradition featured singing, dancing, and talents by nine Wildcat seniors and two BOHS staff members.

Alexander Chao Crowned 2023-2024 Mr. Brea

Ellen Kim, Editor-in-Chief
February 9, 2024
AED pads should be placed on the victim as compressions are being administered. This reduces interruptions where oxygen is not delivered to organs.

Life-Saving AEDs at BOHS

Ellen Kim, Editor-in-Chief
December 5, 2023
Brian Schleuter, history teacher, experienced sudden cardiac arrest in 2018. Coaches, wrestlers, and the athletic trainer resuscitated Schlueter with prompt action by doing CPR and utilizing an AED.

[Photo] AEDs

December 5, 2023
The Manhattan skyline before the World Trade Center Towers fell on Sept. 11, 2001. Images of the terrorist attack were broadcast live around the world. ("9/11 WC 32" by Michael Foran is licensed by CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 / filter added)

Remembering 9/11

Ellen Kim, Editor-in-Chief
September 11, 2023
Ashley Ochoa, senior and president of AVID, is honored on the PAC stage with Amanda Louis, AVID teacher, and Fernando Grimaldo, assistant principal. Ochoa, and other seniors in the AVID program, celebrated their college commitments at the annual AVID Signing Day on April 28.

An AVID Celebration

Ellen Kim, Editor-in-Chief
May 4, 2023
New book shelves, light systems, and furniture marked the re-opening of the Brea Library on Feb. 8. The Brea Library offers free resources, including printing privileges, public computers, a diverse selection of books, and hotspots available for checkout.

‘Check-out’ the Renovated Brea Library

Ellen Kim, Editor-in-Chief
February 21, 2023
Korean Exchange students stand in the main gym during the Winter Rally and receive welcoming applause. Anseong students returned to Korea on Jan. 21 after a two-week cultural exchange experience.

‘Annyeong’ Anseong Students

Ellen Kim, Editor-in-Chief
January 30, 2023
New Year, New Goals, New Study Spots

New Year, New Goals, New Study Spots

Ellen Kim, Editor-in-Chief
January 17, 2023
BOHS counselors, from left to right, Jennifer Cormier, Kim Kessel, Robert Stelmar, Nancy Bakunas, and Elizabeth McDonald wear "Support Squad" shirts on campus. Counselors and faculty at BOHS are primary resources for students to discuss topics about mental health.

BOHS Promotes Mental Health on Campus

Ellen Kim, Editor-in-Chief
October 31, 2022
Joanna Park, senior and Athletic Training Student Aide (ATSA), gives water to varsity football players at the Homecoming game against the Comanches. ATSA stand on the sidelines to observe and treat athletic injuries that may arise on the field.

Team Behind the Tape

Ellen Kim, Editor-in-Chief
September 29, 2022
The Brick Path Legacy project names all the graduates of the Class of 2021. The project, planned by the Grad Nite Booster Club, was made to honor BOHS alumni that graduated during the pandemic.

Class of 2021: Walking the Path to Success

Ellen Kim, Editor-in-Chief
September 1, 2022
BOHS cheer performs their opening routine at the fall rally on Aug. 19 in the Main Gym. This fall rally was the first one indoors in three years, and it consisted of sports team showcases, homecoming announcements, and collaborative class-oriented games.

Getting ‘Wild’ at the First Rally

Ellen Kim, Editor-in-Chief
August 26, 2022
Ken McCall, athletic trainer, treats cross country runner Michael Galentine, sophomore, as athletic training student aides look on. As athletic trainer, McCall is responsible for the safety of all athletes at BOHS.

Athlete Safety in the COVID-19 Pandemic

Ellen Kim, Editor-in-Chief
February 24, 2021
As a result of technological distractions and a lack of motivation, many students struggle to prioritize tasks and get them done. Procrastination researchers, Dr. Piers Steel and Dr. Tim Pychyl, share their takes on what students can do to complete work more efficiently.

Cure Your Procrastination

Ellen Kim, Editor-in-Chief
January 20, 2021
Dr. Laurie Santos lectures to Yale students about social media use in her “Psychology and the Good Life” course. Santos's course was called the "most popular class ever" by the New York Times, and draws 1200 Yale students to each session.

A Happier Life

Ellen Kim, Editor-in-Chief
September 22, 2020
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